Na, na, na, na, BLOG, BLOG…

I’m still waiting on Erin to put up her first post but thought I’d throw a little post up to prove to her that you don’t need to spend 3 hours proofreading the text!!!!

In light of the horrible earthquake that rocked Haiti this past week I urge all (twelve) of you to cut back some of your usual spending for a month (maybe make your own coffee and do without Starbucks or eat out less) and make a donation to the American Red Cross (click here). Every little bit helps and Haiti certainly deserves a hand up.“With annual per capita income of less than $400 and an average life expectancy of 53, Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Eighty out of 1,000 Haitian children never see their first birthday, and nearly half the population cannot read. As much as 80 percent of the population lives in poverty. The problems are compounded by a heavily eroded natural resource base and the spread of HIV/AIDS, which now afflicts more than 5% of the population. There are already some 163,000 AIDS orphans in the country.” Need more proof that Haiti needs your help? Click here.

January and February are always our slowest months. Clients who book sittings in January, February, March or April will receive $50 in prints with their sitting fee! (Tell your friends!) I just filled an order for a shoot I did in November. The kids are adorable and little Jacob (the older of the two boys) kept a little piece of my heart when I left that day. He’s quite the charmer. He and I spent time building a fort in the family room and I was snug as a bug in there until he let one fly! They should have this kid searching for Osama Bin Laden!!! He’d smoke him out of his hiding place in no time! Both he, and his little butterball brother Ethan were a joy to photograph. Near the end of the shoot Ethan was so tired that he looked nearly catatonic in the family photos. Poor monkey!

Look at this (not-so) little cherub! I could spread those cheeks on toast!


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